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cpap :dont

May 6th, 2010

What is CPAP therapy?
CPAP stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. A CPAP machine provides air at a prescribed pressure through a tube and CPAP mask to a person with Obstructive Sleep Apnea. CPAP therapy provides a constant airflow which holds the airway open so that uninterrupted breathing is maintained during sleep. This eliminates sleep apnea events and allows the patient to get a restful sleep.

The pressure of the air is determined during your sleep study and your doctor will prescribe you a CPAP machine at that pressure.

CPAP therapy is traditionally provided through a nasal mask that seals around the nose. However, more innovative and comfortable options are available and advances in the delivery of CPAP therapy are continually occurring.

For instance: CPAPs with that boast FLEX or EPS technology will offer you exhalation relief. APAP, BiPAP and BiLevel machines offer various levels of pressure throughout the night and exhalation relief.

Duration : 0:4:39

[youtube SDRvaovojIA]

25 Responses

  1. SuperPoppins Says:

    I agree with …
    I agree with kennita1… i watchd your videos often and love you and your kids’ antics,, however i was shocked when I saw you.

    I havent watched your videos for about 6 months and I must say apart from your hair growth,,your weight gain was very evident.

    You are a good mum and I encourage you to lose some weight.. you dont have to be stick thin, so that you continue to be there and be a good mum to your kids.

    This is not a hater comment; rather a comment of love,

    Take care and be blessed

  2. Deellyton Says:

    LOL! I have the …
    LOL! I have the same problem! I have sleep apnea due to fibromyalgia and I struggle with readjusting my straps depending on how big my hair is and whether I wear a scarf or bonnet. I’m having serious difficulty now that I’m wearing a mound of kinky twist extensions. I give up on trying to look cute in bed. Thank goodness my husband works most nights! (P.S. You might want to try the nasal pillow, IMO its more comfortable than the mask).

  3. godsnaturalhair Says:

    i am CRACKING the …
    i am CRACKING the up!!
    this was too funny to me!!!!

  4. speerrituall1 Says:

    you are having too …
    you are having too much fun!

  5. fruitfly31 Says:

    girl you are a fool …
    girl you are a fool!!!. the older Cpap was so big that it looked like you was hooked up to lifesupport! thanks for the laugh

  6. tiffany1103 Says:

    that is not always …
    that is not always try and being over weight is not always the cause of sleep apnea. i know this because i know someone that has it and he is barely 170. and that is small for a grown man with muscles.

  7. 79blt Says:

    i love your hair, …
    i love your hair, its beautiful!

  8. blkbutterflii Says:

    My dad has one of …
    My dad has one of these and he refused to use it!
    BTY..your hair is beautiful! And I LOVE your accent!! 🙂

  9. yoNumero1lilMija Says:

    its her …
    its her is short and shes just havin a good tme

  10. lilhersheykis Says:

    : ) Sorry but I …
    : ) Sorry but I can’t stop laughing @ u : )

  11. nappyover50 Says:

    LOL, If you haven’t …
    LOL, If you haven’t had your mask long, you should ask them to give you the “nose pillow” instead. It is just a tube that sits on the edge of your nose and does not interfere with you getting comfortable to sleep. I have the nose pillows and they are great!! Good luck 🙂

  12. princesscut29 Says:

    Girl you are too …
    Girl you are too crazy!!!! I love it!!!!!

  13. mom2gems Says:

    Soooooooo cute!
    Soooooooo cute!

  14. lit26 Says:

    oh my god your hair …
    oh my god your hair is gorgeous! lol at the mask! gotta love you girl!

  15. vfromthaburg Says:

    damn momma, ur hair …
    momma, ur hair is so beautiful & it’s grown so muuuch, it’s so bouncy my hair is so thick & course i can’t see it ever being able to do what urs is doing…lov u momma kisses..out..

  16. sultry1231 Says:

    Ok, I was laughing …
    Ok, I was laughing my butt off! You are too funny! Girl, don’t you come on here one day after cutting your hair cause you were drunk trying to go to sleep! ROFLMAO!!!!

    Your hair is just gorgeous!

  17. kennita1 Says:

    This is not funny.. …
    This is not funny…sleep apnea can be avoided with weigh loss.

  18. gonatonmay52009 Says:

    Your smile is …
    Your smile is captivating!!! And yes I was laughing at you most definitely when you said yall stop laughing at me 🙂

  19. shedozi Says:

    Girl, you are too …
    Girl, you are too funny!!!!

  20. annebreal Says:

    I was laughing when …
    I was laughing when you said stop laughing at me

  21. Ladypradege Says:

    i HAVE ONE OF THOSE AND CANNOT STAND WEARING IT!!!! They have the mouth gards that r suppose to be better.

  22. 249money Says:

    I thought you was …
    I thought you was so cute when you said Yall stop laughing at me. LOL! You must have eyes like the SIX MILLION DOLLAR MAN aka THE BIONIC MAN to be able to see through the screen.

  23. smiletone Says:

    lol that was too …
    lol that was too cute!!!
    i love to see you SMILE!!

  24. AfroLady352 Says:

    DId they diagnose …
    DId they diagnose you with sleep apnea?

  25. ashleystyle Says:

    Lawd you know im …
    Lawd you know im laughing at you drunk tryna get the ultimate sleep! Yess INDEED! please don’t drink and use the cpap! This is a public service announcement.

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Sleep Apnea CPAP | 25 Comments »
