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What else can a sleep apnea test tell you about your health?

November 22nd, 2012

Went to a sleep apnea test. What else can Physicians tell about such a test. I was hocked up to about 36 different electro cables.
Thanks. I looked very funny after being hocked up to all these electrodes.
Thanks. I looked very funny after being hocked up to all these electrodes.

A polysonogram or sleep study can identify about 80 plus different sleep disoders. Sleep apnea is by far the most common. It can tell if you have any siezures or brain wave abnormalities from the EEG They can tell if you have any heart rythm abnormalities from the EKG. The leg wires are EMG and they can tell if you have restless leg syndrome. The wire on your finger can tell what your oxygen level is all night. Other wires include the snore microphone, flow sensor (in the nose), the face electrodes are generally EMG wires. They can tell when you are in REM. The belts around the chest are to show respiratory and abdominal effort. It helps to determine if you have central sleep apnea vs. obstructive sleep apnea.

Hope this helps

One Response

  1. Mary Says:

    A polysonogram or sleep study can identify about 80 plus different sleep disoders. Sleep apnea is by far the most common. It can tell if you have any siezures or brain wave abnormalities from the EEG They can tell if you have any heart rythm abnormalities from the EKG. The leg wires are EMG and they can tell if you have restless leg syndrome. The wire on your finger can tell what your oxygen level is all night. Other wires include the snore microphone, flow sensor (in the nose), the face electrodes are generally EMG wires. They can tell when you are in REM. The belts around the chest are to show respiratory and abdominal effort. It helps to determine if you have central sleep apnea vs. obstructive sleep apnea.

    Hope this helps
    References :
    RRT, OSA pt, had many sleep studies.

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Central Sleep Apnea | 1 Comment »
