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i have been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea, should i have the surgery or used the cpap machine.?

April 18th, 2011

i am a 37 yr old truck driver and; yes, i am obese. i’ve tried diet and exercise. but while driving and the sleepy or tired feeling comes down on me i snack to stay awake, usually un healthy snacks like chocolate and caffiene and chips and sodas. if anyone has any experience or opinions i am open for suggestions.

Surgery for obstructive sleep apnea in obese patients has a very low success rate because the internal body fat is what causes the obstruction. Surgery is limited to the soft palate, and it will not help because the blockage is in the pharynx (lower throat).
You really need to use the CPAP mask.
Snack on apples, baby carrots, pears, whole grain crackers, string cheese, and the like.
I have a friend who drove long-haul loads and kept busy eating good stuff. He said it really helped get rid of the constipation truckers suffer, too. He kept a small cooler in his rig.
It’s actually cheaper to go the fresh fruit and vegetable route than buying junk food.
The problem you’re having with sleepiness may actually be made worse by consuming sugary snacks, because your blood sugar isn’t steady as it would be by eating healthy snacks. Yours probably spikes, then goes WAY down because you are eating “simple sugars”. That will cause severe fatigue.

4 Responses

  1. lcoil79 Says:

    Using the machine is only really a stop gap measure. Sure it works, but what happens if you forget the machine somewhere, it breaks down, or you are stuck in a situation with no power? Just not sleep? The surgery is really going to be your best bet for long-term comfort.
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  2. hotrod Says:

    most definately use the machine but the surgery will require some thought on your part.good luck.
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    my friend had the machine and it was so good for everyone in the house because sometimes w/out the machine you just did not know if he was breathing or not.get the machine.

  3. dragonsmercy Says:

    Find out the risks involved in the surgery. If the chance of failure is too high (I’d say 25% or higher, but use your own judgement), then go for the CPap machine. If the risks of failure are low, then really consider it personally. This is your life you’re talking about.
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  4. toots Says:

    Surgery for obstructive sleep apnea in obese patients has a very low success rate because the internal body fat is what causes the obstruction. Surgery is limited to the soft palate, and it will not help because the blockage is in the pharynx (lower throat).
    You really need to use the CPAP mask.
    Snack on apples, baby carrots, pears, whole grain crackers, string cheese, and the like.
    I have a friend who drove long-haul loads and kept busy eating good stuff. He said it really helped get rid of the constipation truckers suffer, too. He kept a small cooler in his rig.
    It’s actually cheaper to go the fresh fruit and vegetable route than buying junk food.
    The problem you’re having with sleepiness may actually be made worse by consuming sugary snacks, because your blood sugar isn’t steady as it would be by eating healthy snacks. Yours probably spikes, then goes WAY down because you are eating "simple sugars". That will cause severe fatigue.
    References :

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Obstructive Sleep Apnea | 4 Comments »
