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Does anyone have problems with the mask with CPAP for sleep apnea?

February 28th, 2011

My grandfather is finding it hard to breathe while wearing the mask that is on his CPAP machine. He has a mask and just the tube for the nose but both make him feel like he’s having a hard time breathing, and he’s worried about wearing it at night.

That usually happens for the first few weeks after getting the machine. After awhile he will get used to it. If not, then he should see a doctor because maybe the mask is not sized properly.

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2 Responses

  1. Raelene M Says:

    That usually happens for the first few weeks after getting the machine. After awhile he will get used to it. If not, then he should see a doctor because maybe the mask is not sized properly.
    References :
    Both of my parents and several of my grandparents have sleep apnea/CPAP machines.

  2. bren Says:

    I still have a problem with mine. I have a habit of sleeping with my mouth open. In the cpap that’s a no no. If it still bothers him check with the company he got it from. They’re pretty helpful!
    References :

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Sleep Apnea CPAP Masks | 2 Comments »
