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Can anymore tell me about CPAP machines/sleep apnea?

March 21st, 2011

I’m a teen and I have mild sleep apnea. Is a CPAP machine effective and is it really loud? I share I room and I don’t want it disturbing anyone. Is there anything I can do that will help me?

This will answer a lot of questions.
don’t sleep on your back, add two or three pillows to your head height
, it will all help.

It’s not that loud, it’s like having a white noise machine. bonus! Yea and getting used to the face mask can be difficult, but there are many different types and they will ‘fit’ you properly.

good luck


5 Responses

  1. lea lange Says:

    i have been using a cpap for about six months now. when i first started i thought it was loud, it was all i could hear. after using it for a while i realize it was all i could hear because it was all i was listening for. i started listening for normal night sounds, they were still there

    before using a cpap my wife used to complain about my snoring. when i am wearing the cpap that doesn’t seem to be a problem any more

    the problem for me is i just don’t like wearing it. i try, i put it on every night. but some nights it doesn’t stay on all night

    it seems my sleep problems are improved but not gone using the cpap
    References :

  2. honey Says:

    My husband has sleep apnoea and snores very loudly, as well as stops beathing from time to time, starts again with a start, and hence has a terrible nights sleep.
    He spent about 6 months sleeping in the spare room because I was going crazy with the snoring……..
    He got a CPAP machine last year, and it has made a huge difference…..I was worried it would be too noisy and irritating, but it is about as loud as a fridge….so you can hear it, but it’s a sound you can tune out to……..
    Well worth investigating further in my opinion…….
    He has heaps more energy, and is back in our bed.
    good luck.
    References :

  3. stephanaie t Says:

    I have one and mine is not loud. The companies that make cpap machines have made them operate so much more quite then how they were years ago. I’m married and when I was using one 4 years ago I was worried that it would bother my husband but it did not.
    References :

  4. J B Says:

    This will answer a lot of questions.
    don’t sleep on your back, add two or three pillows to your head height
    , it will all help.

    It’s not that loud, it’s like having a white noise machine. bonus! Yea and getting used to the face mask can be difficult, but there are many different types and they will ‘fit’ you properly.

    good luck
    References :
    lots of experience, personal and family

  5. mtwaites Says:

    I have a sleep apnea CPAP machine, and it is not very loud. You put a mask over your nose, and have the machine hooked up by a hose to your mask, and from the machine. It is very quiet. It won’t disturb anyone.
    References :

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Sleep Apnea CPAP | 5 Comments »
