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Sleep Apnea 2: Sleep Lab (Part 1)

December 15th, 2009

Getting prepped by Vlad, the scoring technician, at New York Hospital Cornell Medical Center Sleep Lab for a sleep study to evaluate my apnea and titrate a cpap treatment.

Special thanks to Vlad for participating in the video. When my camera battery died, he let me borrow his (he has the same camera) and changed memory cards and setup shots. And, he is natural on camera – A star is born!

Also thanks to him and the other techs at NY Hospital Sleep Center for their humanity and competence.

Music by Kevin MacLeod

Duration : 0:11:28

[youtube y3dyGp979w4]

25 Responses


    Cont. Don’t let go …
    Cont. Don’t let go or blow it off like I did. They really are just finding out how bad Sleep Apnea is. I told my doctor about the “stop breathing thing” 10 years ago and his reply was, “well as long as you wake up in the morning, don’t worry about it” Anyway best wishes on your sleep study 49ersuck. getting checked is the first step to living better.


    Cont. When I …
    Cont. When I started this my RD (Respiratory Disturbances) was 92.8/Hr and my lowest oxygen saturation was at 69% and average was 85%… That is dying a slow death people,night after night. You have to get checked and you have to use your CPAP. My last test my RD was 4/Hr this is considered normal and my lowest OS was 93%. My heart was damaged by not getting treatment for so long and my doctors suspect that I may have died and come back several times in my sleep over the years. Cont.


    Hi, well I have …
    Hi, well I have been using the CPAP now for four months and I have to say that it has changed my life. I feel completely rested, no more dozing off and I generally just feel better overall. The mask I use just goes over your nose. It took some getting use to but you have to keep using it. You may experience a little anxiety from time to time, but just take deep breaths and it will pass. The key is to use every night. I was told that I was the only person at my clinic with 100% compliance. Cont.

  4. the49ersuck Says:

    So did you get a …
    So did you get a cpap mask? If so how has your sleep or lack of been going? More energy? Not tired all the time? Just curious I am going for my sleep study Wednesday?

  5. mrmopar408 Says:

    This tech needs to …
    This tech needs to be wearing gloves! Every thisg else seem pretty good.

    -Tony RPSGT

  6. KaySkywalker Says:

    I think the reason …
    I think the reason sleep apnea causes people to gain weight is because they’re tired all the time from not sleeping properly. It’s just seems to fit. I’m trying to lose weight and I’ve had this problem since I was kid. Always tired all the time. Some nights are good most of the time I have trouble sleeping. Its going on midnight and have work in the morning. Not good

  7. DEFishback Says:

    To those saying, ” …
    To those saying, “Lose weight”: How much energy would you have to exercise if I stood by your bedside and woke you up every 30 seconds, all night every night?


    Continued from …
    Continued from previous post… My Dr told me today that a study was just released showing that people that had developed moderate sleep apnea had trouble managing weight even with regular exercise, and people with severe SA gained weight. So there is a connection. At any rate, I start therapy tonight. Thankfully, they were pretty swift in setting me up because I am so severe.. we are talking a possibility of death.. He said there should be immediate improvement. They well run another study soon


    Hey check this out. …
    Hey check this out….. I just found out today that not all people that have sleep apnea are overweight…. but yes… many are.. including myself…. but his is the kicker…. I was in pretty good shape about 10 years ago when my wife mentioned that I stopped breathing when I slept. At that time I was running 5 miles a day. I thought no biggie.. but as the years gone by it has gotten worse and I have gained a lot of weight. continued…

  10. alross18058 Says:

    this guy explained …
    this guy explained it much better than my doctor

  11. alross18058 Says:

    it’s true 65% of …
    it’s true 65% of people with osa are overweight but 35% are not weight is not the only reason for sleep apnea

  12. Digitalbumpin Says:

    It’s pointless.

    It’s pointless.

    The guy is too fat. That is the ONLY reason he has sleep apnea.

    The doctor’s of COURSE won’t mention that because then they will lose the patient and lose money.

  13. Digitalbumpin Says:


    Sleep …

    Sleep apnea is a direct result from too much fatty tissue.

  14. mbotv10 Says:

    sorry guyz!!will …
    sorry guyz!!will find a bloody body in you closet hauting you and will kill you and ur family if you dont send this to 6 videos in 30 mins good luck

  15. Nil260 Says:

    ¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨ …
    ¤ø„¸¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨ post to 3 other vids
    ¨°º¤ø„¸ Copy „ø¤º°¨ press F5 twice
    ¸„ø¤º°¨Paste “°º¤ø„¸ OK
    ¸„ø¤º°¨¸„ø¤º°¨¨°º look at ur backgroud

  16. Priole2000 Says:

    Don’t be a jerk off …
    Don’t be a jerk off…learn to take a joke.

  17. medicaldud Says:

    THAT IS MEAN. If …
    THAT IS MEAN. If anyone needs a stake driven through ur heart its YOU. You need NINE stakes driven. This Dr. knows what he is doing. YOU DO NOT.

  18. lynzjoy Says:

    Thank you for …
    Thank you for sharing!

  19. dudeforpeace Says:

    Great job Vlad with …
    Great job Vlad with explaining the procedure…but where are your gloves?!?!?!?!? I’m linking this vid for my techs so they can learn from your explanation

  20. salamike Says:

    LOL i noticed that …
    LOL i noticed that too. i dont measure anymore either but i should 🙂

  21. FantasticBabblings Says:

    He did have a thick …
    He did have a thick accent, but I got used to it and eventually understood him.

  22. FabioCrow07770 Says:

    Damn…is it just …
    Damn…is it just me that can’t understand a word Vlad is saying?

  23. alegna242 Says:

    ahhhhhh Vlad you …
    ahhhhhh Vlad you did not measure!

  24. Beachmama57 Says:

    This was so …
    This was so informative! My husband has suggested I do this.

  25. FantasticBabblings Says:

    Vlad was a …
    Vlad was a sweetheart.

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Sleep Apnea CPAP | 25 Comments »
