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Stop snoring sleep apnea CPAP Bellingham,WA

August 9th, 2010

Did you know that a dentist can help you if you snore, if you have sleep apnea or if you dont like or cant tolerate a CPAP machine. Get sleep apnea snoring treatment without using CPAP.

Duration : 0:0:51

[youtube nvIaS4nv8eo]

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4 Responses

  1. cherri Robertson Says:

    I am interested in sleep Apnea treatments for my husband, I believe him to have Obstructive Sleep Apnea. Symptoms are exactly what he has. I’m just not sure really where to start. But I can’t sleep in the same room anymore.

  2. admin Says:

    Is your husband concerned about his sleep quality? Does he feel tired during the day? Will he go to a doctor for help?
    First step is to get your husband to get a referral from your doctor to a sleep specialist for a review.
    Would help for you to get a video/recording of him sleeping to show to him as well as his doctor/sleep specialist what he is like when sleeping.
    There is a good video on the impact of sleep apnea, check out , this video is worth watching to understand the life threatening nature of sleep apnea.


  3. Cherri Robertson Says:

    Thank you for responding.
    Yes, my husband is fatigued during the day, and as soon as he gets home from work and eats, he goes right to bed because he is so tired. Does not get restful sleep ever, I don’t believe. He will go and see a Dr. and yes we could get a referral. I just am not real sure who to see about this.

  4. admin Says:

    First step is to see you local doctor. After my wife hounded me for ages about me stopping breathing at night I saw my local doctor, got a referral to a sleep specialist who in turn sent me for a sleep study. ended up with a CPAP machine, that isn’t the easiest to use but helps (always get one with a humifier) also lost a bit of weight that helped as well.

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Sleep Apnea CPAP | 4 Comments »
