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Larry Fitzgerald Joins Other NFL Greats And Pro Player Health Alliance In The Quest To “Tackle Sleep Apnea”

April 17th, 2013

Larry Fitzgerald Joins Other NFL Greats And Pro Player Health Alliance In The Quest To “Tackle Sleep Apnea”

Larry Fitzgerlad, WR for Arizona Cardinals

Phoenix, Arizona (PRWEB) April 13, 2013

While the cost of healthcare is soaring, millions of Americans are snoring their way into a serious disease called Obstructive Sleep Apnea. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that, “Insufficient sleep is now a public health epidemic with 50-70 million US adults suffering with a sleep or wakefulness disorder.” Medical and dental providers are diligently striving to “Wake America Up” to obstructive sleep apnea and the treatment that is available.

David Gergen, President and Founder of The Pro Player Health Alliance (PPHA) is heavily involved with legendary NFL Greats and spreading sleep apnea awareness throughout communities by taking these players to the general public on the national campaign titled “Tackling Sleep Apnea.”

The “Tackle Sleep Apnea” event held on April 18 in Phoenix, Arizona will include the likes of Arizona Cardinals superstar receivers Larry Fitzgerald and Roy Green. With Larry having close loved ones that are suffering from sleep apnea, he wants to help spread the word on the deadly disease and help the community to understand what it can do and how to get treated. Larry is hoping to find an outpouring of support from the public at the event with many people wanting to meet the players and eventually seek treatment for themselves and/or a loved one.

Come Larry Fitzgerlad and former NFL greats speak about sleep apnea at the upcoming free Pro Player Health Alliance special event. Make sure to register for this event ASAP as spots are limited. Come meet NFL players and learn about how sleep apnea is affecting you!

Event Details

Sheraton Crescent Hotel

2620 West Dunlap Avenue

Phoenix, AZ 85021

Thursday, April 18, 2013

From 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM (MST)

About Pro Player Health Alliance

The Pro Players Health Alliance (PPHA) is an organization dedicated to helping former NFL players, through providing testing and treatment options for those who suffer from sleep apnea. In addition, the PPHA is dedicated to integrating education and raising sleep apnea awareness, in a fun and memorable way. In addition to the campaign, the PPHA is dedicated to testing and getting people treated who suffer from sleep apnea. The PPHA was created by David Gergen, President of Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab and Former NFL legends.

For more on the PPHA, visit:

About David Gergen

David Gergen, CDT and President of Pro Player Health Alliance, has been a nationally respected dental lab technician for over 25 years. He received the award for “The Finest Orthodontic Technician in the Country” given by Columbus Dental in 1986. He also has been appointed chair of the dental wing of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy a national interdisciplinary academy dedicated to sleep training and education with over 60,000 members. David rolled out of bed on September 12, 1981 and had his career “ah ha” moment. He knew he was going to be an orthodontic technician and he knew he was going to help people all over the country to help treat their sleep disorders in partnership with their dentists. He has worked for some of the pioneers in the orthodontic and sleep dentistry fields. He was the personal technician for the likes of Dr. Robert Ricketts, Dr. Ronald Roth, Dr. A. Paul Serrano, Dr. Clark Jones, Dr. Harold Gelb, Dr. Joseph R. Cohen, Dr. Rodney Willey, Dr. Allan Bernstein, and Dr. Thien Pham. One of his proudest achievements is receiving The National Leadership award for Arizona Small Businessman of the Year in 2004.


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, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.

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Natural White Noise: Music for Health, Relaxation, Visualization Imixes, Acupuncture, Pilates – Mountain Stream, Soft Birds To Comfort Busy People W/ Stressful Lives, Sleep Apnea

February 13th, 2013

Natural White Noise: Music for Health, Relaxation, Visualization Imixes, Acupuncture, Pilates – Mountain Stream, Soft Birds To Comfort Busy People W/ Stressful Lives, Sleep Apnea
from Ultimate Healing Waters: Soothing Nature Sounds for Stress & Anxiety Relief, Spa Treatment, Massage Therapy
Price: USD -1
View Details about Natural White Noise: Music for Health, Relaxation, Visualization Imixes, Acupuncture, Pilates

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Arizona Companies, Pro Player Health Alliance and Gergen?s Orthodontic Lab, Announces David Gergen Receives Diplomat Status to the American Academy of Sleep and Breathing

February 7th, 2013

Arizona Companies, Pro Player Health Alliance and Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab, Announces David Gergen Receives Diplomat Status to the American Academy of Sleep and Breathing

David Gergen, President of Pro Player Health Alliance

(PRWEB) February 03, 2013

The Pro Player Health Alliance (PPHA) and Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab are proud to announce that the President of both organizations has been specifically selected as receiving Diplomat status to the American Academy of Sleep and Breathing (ASBA). Additionally, Gergen’s Diplomat status with ADSM and ACSDD with be honored by attending the course and successfully passing the exam.

The ASBA has over 16,000 medical members and 60,000 members with the association. The Academy has commissioned Gergen, to build the Dental Division of this prestigious Academy. Due to Gergen’s credentials and medical knowledge as well as community involvement to spread awareness of sleep apnea on his national “Tackling Sleep Apnea” campaign, he is granted the unique opportunity to be grandfathered into the Academy.

The ASBA has an upcoming two-day seminar where attendees will learn the latest industry knowledge by some of the top medical professionals, network with colleagues, and enjoy the opportunity to golf with some of the NFL Legends that are supporting Gergen and his Tackling Sleep Apnea campaign.

“I am thrilled to see the momentum that we are making to help spread awareness of sleep apnea on a national level with these fantastic NFL greats!” said Gergen. “Spreading awareness at these events and screenings, and through radio and television has been wonderful. I couldn’t be any more privileged to be a part of the ASBA.”

Seminar Specifics:

Date: May 24th to 25th

Time: 8:00am to 5:00pm on May 24th and 8:00am to 4:30pm on May 25th

Location: The Scottsdale Plaza Resort at 7200 N. Scottsdale Road, Scottsdale, AZ 85253

Media Information: Laura Geyer 602.574.2372

The cost of the event is $ 1495 and includes the following:

    2 day lectures (sack lunch included)
    14 CE’s
    1 year membership with Academy
    Exhibit booth and cocktail reception Saturday, May 25th
    Staff members will cost an additional $ 200 and we encourage you to have them attend as well.
    If interested in golf on Sunday this will be an additional cost for you and your staff. Please let us know when you register.

For more information about PPHA or the “Tackle Sleep Apnea” campaign, visit

For more information about Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab, visit:

About Pro Player Health Alliance

The Pro Players Health Alliance (PPHA) is an organization dedicated to helping former NFL players, through providing testing and treatment options for those who suffer from sleep apnea. In addition, the PPHA is dedicated to integrating education and raising sleep apnea awareness, in a fun and memorable way. In addition to the campaign, the PPHA is dedicated to testing and getting people treated who suffer from sleep apnea. The PPHA was created by David Gergen, President of Gergen’s Orthodontic Lab and Former NFL legends.

About David Gergen

David Gergen, CDT and President of Pro Player Health Alliance, has been a nationally respected dental lab technician for over 25 years. He received the award for “The Finest Orthodontic Technician in the Country” given by Columbus Dental in 1986. He also has been appointed chair of the dental wing of the American Sleep and Breathing Academy a national interdisciplinary academy dedicated to sleep training and education with over 60,000 members. David rolled out of bed on September 12, 1981 and had his career “ah ha” moment. He knew he was going to be an orthodontic technician and he knew he was going to help people all over the country to help treat their sleep disorders in partnership with their dentists. He has worked for some of the pioneers in the orthodontic and sleep dentistry fields. He was the personal technician for the likes of Dr. Robert Ricketts, Dr. Ronald Roth, Dr. A. Paul Serrano, Dr. Clark Jones, Dr. Harold Gelb, Dr. Joseph R. Cohen, Dr. Rodney Willey, Dr. Allan Bernstein, and Dr. Thien Pham. One of his proudest achievements is receiving The National Leadership award for Arizona Small Businessman of the Year in 2004.

# # #


Vocus©Copyright 1997-

, Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.
Vocus, PRWeb, and Publicity Wire are trademarks or registered trademarks of Vocus, Inc. or Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC.

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SOS Sleep Update One in Ten 6 To 8-Year-Olds Has Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Finnish Study … #apnea #health #nap

December 15th, 2012

SOS Sleep Update One in Ten 6 To 8-Year-Olds Has Sleep-Disordered Breathing, Finnish Study … #apnea #health #napby ScienceofSleep (Maria Vasquez)

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Meritus Medical Center – Health Matters Radio

December 6th, 2012

Meritus Medical Center – Health Matters Radio
from Health Matters Radio
Price: USD 0
View Details about Meritus Medical Center

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RT @eSleepDisorders: Sleep apnea is on the rise overseas. Read more: #sleepapnea #sleepdisorders #health #OSA #CPAP …

November 27th, 2012

RT @eSleepDisorders: Sleep apnea is on the rise overseas. Read more: #sleepapnea #sleepdisorders #health #OSA #CPAP … – by JelSleep (Jacuzzi Bed JelSleep)

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Easy Sleep Apnea Treatment Options to Comfortably Eliminate Sleep Apnea and Snoring

April 4th, 2011 Find out sleep apnea treatment options that are guaranteed to easily stop noisy snoring and sleep apnea. Visit for solutions that work.

Duration : 0:1:55

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Cure Sleep Apnea – Stop Snoring Tonight

March 28th, 2011 Are you snoring yourself to death? Sleep Apnea is a serious condition and cause many couples to sleep apart. Please click on link for more information.

Duration : 0:3:33

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Understanding Sleep Eating Disorder (Mental Health Guru)

March 21st, 2011

Sleep eating is often parodied, but consuming great amounts of food while asleep is a real condition that affects sleep and mental health.

Duration : 0:2:58

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Posted by admin1 and filed under Sleep Apnea Treatment | 10 Comments »

Happy with dental device for snoring

February 7th, 2011

Patient testimonial related to treatment of snoring and sleep apnea with dental device by trained dental sleep medicine associate.

Duration : 0:1:27

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