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Sleep Apnea: Symtptoms, Treatment and Facts

March 7th, 2011
Chiropractic is the natural solution to sleep apnea. In our office a lot of cases are due to a hiatal hernia. This is where the stomach pushes up into the esophagus that affects a person’s breathing while they sleep, and thus they wake up several times a night. The simple solution is to adjust the hiatal hernia manually. This is a safe, simple and very effective procedure done with very minimal pain and without surgery or side effects.

Sleep apnea is becoming very common as you may have noticed the increase of sleep apnea centers springing up all over the country. It is now as common as adult diabetes, and affects more than twelve million people in the U.S. alone. Risk factors include being male, overweight, over the age of forty, but sleep apnea can strike anyone at any age, any time,even children. It’s sad that the vast majority of cases remain undiagnosed and therefore remain untreated, despite the fact that this serious disorder can have significant health consequences.

Learn more at or contact our office at 412-367-3778.

Duration : 0:6:44

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Sleep Apnea Treatment Options – Lifestyle Changes

November 13th, 2010

Sleep Apnea Treatment Options – Lifestyle Changes

Brought to you by Sleep Apnea Stop. The only stop you will need to stop your sleep apnea and snoring once and for all. Sleep like a baby tonight.

Duration : 0:1:34

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CPAP Nasal Pillow – Sleep Apnea Treatment

October 25th, 2010

CPAP Nasal Pillow – Sleep Apnea Treatment

Brought to you by Sleep Apnea Stop. The only stop you will need to stop your sleep apnea and snoring once and for all. Sleep like a baby tonight.

Do you have trouble sleeping, want to stop your snoring, cant get a good nights sleep, think you have sleep apnea or another sleep disorder? Do you wish you could sleep all night with no disturbances? Are you investigating sleeping machines, such as cpap, apap or bipap? Have you tried sleeping pills, natural sleeping remedies, snorting treatments, surgery, mouthpieces, mouth guards, sleep apnea pillows and everything else on the market? Head over to and cure your snoring and sleep apnea for good.

Duration : 0:2:19

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Sleep Apnea Treatment Options – MouthPiece (Mouth Guard)

October 21st, 2010

Sleep Apnea Treatment Options – MouthPiece (mouth guard)

Brought to you by Sleep Apnea Stop. The only stop you will need to stop your sleep apnea and snoring once and for all. Sleep like a baby tonight.

Duration : 0:1:19

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Sleep Apnea Treatment Options – Surgery

October 5th, 2010

Sleep Apnea Treatment Options – Surgery

Brought to you by Sleep Apnea Stop. The only stop you will need to stop your sleep apnea and snoring once and for all. Sleep like a baby tonight.

Duration : 0:1:45

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Sleep Apnea

September 1st, 2009

Sleep Apnea or Sleep Apnoea (depending on where you live) is a common disorder nearly as common as adult diabetes with the most common and usually most severe sleep apnea condition being known as obstructive sleep apnea or OSA for short.

It is thought that one in twenty-five middle-aged men and one in every fifty middle-aged women may have Sleep Apnea and of these less than half are likely to have been diagnosed. Sleep apnea diagnosis usually depends on other persons observations of the sufferer and the  recognition of the sleep apnea symptoms, particularly sleep apnea snoring and cessations in breathing while asleep, as most sufferers may not even be aware that they have the condition.

With the American Sleep Foundation reporting that sleep deprivation, not cancer or coronary illness, now constitutes the number one killer in the Western World, Sleep Apnea is fast becoming a major issue for western society.

There are three types of Sleep Apnea, these being.

  • Obstructive Sleep Apnea where the airway collapses or becomes blocked and restricts breathing, and is the most common form of Sleep Apnea .
  • Central Sleep Apnea is the less common form of Sleep Apnea and is where the brain fails to tell the body to breath and
  • Mixed Apnea which is a combination of both Central and Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

Untreated Sleep Apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, obesity and diabetes. The broken sleep pattern that comes with Sleep Apnea also leads to increased tiredness and decreased awareness in waking hours, with some sufferers experiencing periods of momentary sleep events at times throughout the day.

The sleep apnea treatment method adopted will depend on the severity of the condition and the physical condition of the patient and in most cases involves the ongoing use of a CPAP or Continuous Positive Air Pressure machine,  but can also include the use of physical devices such as Mandibular Advancement Devices (or MAD’s) or in some cases sleep apnea surgery.

Sleep Apnea is normally something that develops over a period of time and as such is usually not noticed as a problem, with most people putting the symptoms down to just being part of “growing older”; this is not necessarily the case.

There are no blood or other post event tests for determining Sleep Apnea , and as such Sleep Apnea is normally diagnosed as a result of comments or complaints from sleeping partners or family who have noticed the gaps in breathing or the excessive snoring.

Sleep Apnea can be treated or managed once diagnosed. The risks to your health associated with failing to act on sleep apnea are significant and Sleep Apnea should not be taken lightly. If you have any of the symptoms or are told by your partner that you do, then you may be suffering from Sleep Apnea, take action now, get yourself assessed, it could save a life, yours.


Posted by admin1 and filed under Sleep Apnea | 2 Comments »
